From the Church

14 Challenges, Assurances President Nelson and Elder Holland Gave on the Global Ministry Tour


After 11 days, President Russell M. Nelson's global ministry tour reached an end today. 

 And after visiting with Saints in Europe, Africa, and Asia in just a week and a half, exhaustion would seem understandable, even expected. But President Nelson's devotion and love for meeting one-on-one with the Saints  showed through when he told Mormon Newsroom, "We don’t allow jet lag."

And others have seen his tireless devotion to the Saints as well, including his wife, Wendy. “He is now doing what he was foreordained to do," Sister Nelson shared with the Saints in Hawaii. "I have seen him change right at the pulpit. I have heard him become [clearer] in professing certain doctrine, to use phrases I've never heard him use in 12 years. I've seen him even look younger.”

And as we look back on this amazing tour and all the lives it touched, we can't help but hink about all the incredible messages that were shared, especially the challenges and sweet assurances President Nelson and Elder Holland gave to saints around the world.

Here are just a few of these messages President Nelson and Elder Holland shared on their global ministry tour. 


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“No matter what it is, the gospel of Jesus Christ has within it the power to lift and to love, to serve. Our doctrine is not complicated or convoluted or complex. It’s so simple: Love God and love your neighbor. . . . We want people to have a better way of life."

—President Nelson


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“God has always dealt with His children on the earth through prophets, but He wants them to choose to come home. So those people who choose to obey the commandments [given through prophets] will have that opportunity to return home with their families in eternal life together."

—President Nelson

“As the new president to the Church, I felt that there were two messages that I would like to convey to our people. One is that Jesus is the Christ and He has a message for all of God's children. And the second is that His is a global invitation. We invite all of God's children to come unto their Savior.”

—President Nelson


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“Our message to the world is that Jesus is the Christ and that His way of life is the way of joy and happiness not only in this life but in the life ahead."

—President Nelson

“The [temple] announcement has been made and the work is yet to be done, but I’m sure it was your faith and your devotion that the Lord would smile on you.”

—Elder Holland


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“These precious children, how I love them. Help them to understand about the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, . . . to know how to pray to Heavenly Father, . . . to understand why we partake of this sacrament on the Sabbath day. . . . Help them to understand about prophets. . . . I would like to suggest that you read the scriptures to your children. . . . I hope you'll teach these children to be good citizens of this wonderful country."

—President Nelson


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My desires for the people of Thailand [are] the same as my desires for people of Taiwan or any other city [or] country. We invite all of God’s children . . . to come unto the Savior and enjoy the blessings and benefits of their temple and have everlasting life [and] joy."

—President Nelson

“I bless you with love at home, success in your work, and joy in your hearts as you prepare for the temple of the Lord here in this sacred country.” 

—President Nelson


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“As we teach them that God loves them and as they keep His commandments, they will have joy in their life and they will be liberated from the bondage, not only of sin but of deprivation. The gospel of Jesus Christ has only one purpose, really."

—President Nelson

“In a way, it’s easier for us to build a temple than it is to build a people who are ready for the ordinances and covenants of the temple. It’s going to take you a little while to get ready. It will take us a little while to build it as well. . . . Now, I’m 93 years old. You better hurry.”

—President Nelson

Hong Kong

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“Everything we do in the Church is to make life better for other people, to bring them joy. And how do you that? By building strong families. Those families are made stronger because of covenants made in the holy temples.”

—President Nelson

“When you’re not in the temple here in Hong Kong, make sure the temple is in you, that whatever the environment you face, you’ll have the peace of the gospel of Jesus Christ speaking to you as God Himself spoke to the Prophet Joseph in Liberty Jail.” 

—Elder Holland


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“Really everything we’ve done in these last few days together circling the globe could be summed up in two words — the temple."

—President Nelson

"It's a global ministry and a global message — faith in the Lord Jesus Christ [and] strengthening your own families as they qualify for eternal life in the presence of deity.”

—President Nelson

All images from Mormon Newsroom 

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